Defining the Abstract Data Type List

The first step in implementing a data structure consists in defining the set of operations:

Create a new file "" which contains the interface below:
interface List<E>{
    void addFront(E x); //Add Element at the beginning of the list
    void addEnd(E x); //Add Element at the end of the list
    void addAfter(E val , E x); //Add Element after the value val in the list
    void print(); // print all the elements in the list
    boolean empty();// return true if the list is empty 
    void removeEnd();// remove the last element in the list
    void removeFront();// remove the first element in the list
    void remove(E x);// remove the element x from the list
    void removeAll();// remove all elements in the list
    boolean exist(E x);// check if the element x is in the list
    E getHead();// return the data in the head

Linked List implementation

Defining class Node

A list contain a head which is a pointer (reference) to the first node. The first step we should define a Node

class Node<E>{
    E data;
    Node<E> next;
    public Node(E data){ = data;
      next = null;
    public String toString(){
      return data+ " ";

The linkedList class

class LinkedList<E> implements List<E> {
  private Node<E> head;

  public LinkedList() {
    head = null;

  public void addFront(E x) {
    Node<E> node = new Node<>(x); = head;
    head = node;

  public void addEnd(E x) {
    if (head == null)
    else {
      Node<E> node = new Node<>(x);
      Node<E> p = head;
      while ( != null) {
        p =;
      } = node;

  public void addAfter(E val, E x) {
    if (empty())
      System.out.println("empty list!!!");
    else {
      Node<E> p = head;
      while ( != val && != null) {
        p =;
      if ( != val) {
        System.out.println("The list don’t contain the value " + val);
      } else {
        Node<E> node = new Node<>(x); =; = node;
  • Printing all element in the list
public void print() {

  • Check if the list is empty or not
public boolean empty() {

  • Remove the last element in the list

    🚩 You have to check if the list is not empty!
    🚩 You have to check if the list contains only one element!

public void removeEnd() {

  • Remove the first element in the list

    🚩 You have to check if the list is not empty !

public void removeFront() {

  • Remove an element in the list

    🚩 You have to check if the list is not empty !
    🚩 The pointer should be the predecessor of the node to remove!

public void remove(E x) {

  • Remove all elements in the list
public void removeAll() {

  • Search an element in the list
public boolean exist(E x) {

  • Return the data in the head, null if empty
public E getHead() {


Doubly Linked List implementation

Defining class DNode

A list contain a head which is a pointer (reference) to the first node and a Tail which is a pointer to the last element in the list. The first step we should define a DNode

class DNode<E>{
  E data;
  DNode<E> next;
  DNode<E> previous;
  public DNode(E data){ = data;
    next = null;
    previous = null;
  public String toString(){
    return data+ " ";

The DoublylinkedList class

class DoublyLinkedList<E> implements List<E> {

  • Add an element at the front of the list

    🚩 You have to update the tail if the list is empty!

public void addFront(E x) {

  • Add an element at the end of the list

    🚩 You have to update the front if the list is empty!

public void addEnd(E x) {

  • Add an element after a value β€œval” in the list

    🚩 You have to check the list is not empty! 🚩 You have to check the value β€œavl” exist! 🚩 You have to update the previous of the successor! 🚩 You have to update the next of the predecessor!

public void addAfter(E val, E x) {

  • Printing all element in the list
public void print() {

  • Check if the list is empty or not
public boolean empty() {

  • Remove the last element in the list

    🚩 You have to check if the list is not empty!
    🚩 You have to check if the list contains only one element!
    🚩 You have to update the next of the new last element to null!

public void removeEnd() {

  • Remove the first element in the list

    🚩 You have to check if the list is not empty !
    🚩 You have to update the tail if the list contain one element !
    🚩 You have to update the previous of the new head !

public void removeFront() {

  • Remove an element in the list

    🚩 You have to check if the list is not empty !
    🚩 You have to update the previous of the successor! 🚩 You have to update the next of the predecessor!

public void remove(E x) {

  • Remove all elements in the list
public void removeAll() {

  • Search an element in the list
public boolean exist(E x) {

  • Return the data in the head, null if empty
public E getHead() {
