List of projects for CS3401

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Project 1

Solving the Knapsack problem using the bottom-up Algorithm for generationg subsets.

Project 2

Solving the Knapsack problem using the binary reflected gray code Algorithm for generationg subsets.

Project 3

Solving the travelling salesman problem using the minimal change Algorithm for generationg permutations.

Project 4

Solving the travelling salesman problem using the Johnson trotter Algorithm for generationg permutations.

Project 5

Solving the travelling salesman problem using the Lexicographic permutation Algorithm for generationg permutations.

Project 6

Finding the Kth smallest element: Implementing the Quickselect algorithm using Lumoto partitionning.

Project 7

Finding the Kth smallest element: Implementing the Quickselect algorithm using Hoare partitionning.

Project 8

Implementing the Quicksort algoritm with parameters Quicksort(A[],left,right,pivot,partitionning):

  • Choosing the pivot: 1 the first, 2 the median of three, 3 random
  • Partitionning algorithm: 1 Lumoto, 2 Hoare

Project 9

Implementing an AVL tree.

project 10

Implementing a program to test graph acyclicity. An acyclic graph is a graph with no cycles.

project 11

Implementing a topological sorting algorithm using DFS.

project 12

Implementing a topological sorting algorithm using source removal.



2 minute read

Computing the exponentiation of a number is a classic problem in computer science. The problem is to find the value of a number raised to the power of anothe...

The maximum subsequence sum algorithm

2 minute read

The maximum subsequence sum algorithm is a classic problem in computer science. The problem is to find the maximum sum of a contiguous subsequence in an arra...

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4 minute read

In this post, I will explain a very indispensable tool for developers. Docker is a tool that allows developers to build, deploy, and run applications using c...

Generating permutations

2 minute read

In this post, we will discuss the problem of generating all permutations of a given set of elements. A permutation is an arrangement of elements in a specifi...

The Convex Hull Problem

2 minute read

The convex hull problem is a problem in computational geometry. It is about finding the smallest convex polygon that contains a given set of points. The conv...

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CS3401 Projects 1445 1st semester

1 minute read

Project 1: Project management system The aim of this project is to implement a program (java or python) that manages a list of tasks in a project. The pr...

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